HSC Professional (Consultancy)

A range of specialist consultancy services for providers and managers of adult social care services

CONSULTANCY: Compliance assessments


A compliance assessment needs to be more than a ‘mock inspection’ – it needs to offer solutions not just identify problems.  With the experience, the detailed knowledge of CQC methodology, and legal expertise, a compliance assessment by HSC Professional will do all of that.

Preliminary work will identify regulatory issues that need to be addressed (including areas that might have attracted comment but which were not in breach)

The assessment will cover any identified issues as well as the aspects of care most commonly criticised in inspections.

Where needed the compliance assessment may be part ‘seminar’ with powerpoint slides to cover inspection methodology, the CQC approach to audits, etc.

Recommendations will be included in the report as to changes such as upgrading of audits, recruitment and complaints procedures and so on.

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic the compliance assessments were conducted in a full-day visit to your location – most consultancy work can be effectively conducted remotely by Zoom meetings, but carefully planned site visits are used where appropriate.



>> Call Richard Fairburn on 07866 605545 to discuss your consultancy needs or to set up a Zoom meeting
